Saturday, May 14, 2011

405 Bluebird Lane

My parents died several years ago; first my mom and my dad 15 yrs later.  My dad gave me most of my mother's treasures, and then my step-mom gave me most of my dad's treasures. My basement is full.  I've been sorting, giving, throwing, selling, burning treasures for about 3 yrs.  Where I get stuck in the process is anything with graphics. It seems I can't part with pictures, magazines, books, canceled checks. etc. etc, ... I'm sure you get the picture.
I found an early 1900ish Sears catalog, falling to pieces, and have an idea where I want it to go but still not sure I'm ready to let it go.  In the process of researching options I happened upon several online resources with Sears catalogs from every imaginable year gone by.  The ones I enjoyed most were the ones from the late 50s early 60s.  The above doll house is from a 1962 Sears Catalog, don't you just love these doll houses !!  My neighbor had one with a pool and I thought it was wonderful. I would have been very content with the $6.44 Colonial.  I think $6 in 1962 translates to to something like $46 in today's economy, and our budget didn't have room for such, but I just might end up with one yet :)  I found the description of the Colonial to be interesting because it boasts a "fall out shelter" what a hoot, even a selling point for a doll house circa '62.

Hope you enjoyed looking back, thanks for stopping by, E  


  1. I have browsed those old Sears and Mongomery Ward sites before. I just loved looking thru the catalogs!!
    I would of chosen the colonial...even as a child.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. This is such a keeper. I love these houses. Rearranging the furniture in them for hours would be my idea of fun. What a fantastic find among many memories. Thanks for sharing...smiles...Renee

  3. Hello!
    I sure wish I had one of these dollhouses when I was young! Heck, I wish I had one now! It's incredible that the dollhouses came complete with people, draperies, furniture, etc. And for such a low price! I know they were priced at a comparison of $46.00 nowadays, but, you wouldn't be able to buy such a wonderful toy, complete with all of its accessories for that today! You know what people say nowadays... "They just don't make things like they used to!" Thank you for this trip down memory lane. Take good care.

  4. Elaine I had one of those dollhouses when I was a little girl!! OH how I wish I still had it, my cousin sat on it and smooshed it good! :-/ I wasn't as close to my cousin after that! lol (Just kidding!)
    Thanks for bringing back such a wonderful memory!
